Increase student participation in the Union, its elections, meetings and volunteering through high visibility Communication and Engagement Campaigns.
The Sports Sponsorship is running reasonably well although there have been some problems. Whilst a number of the teams have been attending our nights, 1 team has been buying the tickets for the evening and then going elsewhere.
The Safety Bus now has vinyls for the 2nd semester. However, as of 21st Jan OUSU have failed to return a signed copy of the contact and consequently we have yet to receive any money from them (£10k). We have been pursuing them for the money for some time but the deadline for getting their vinyls on the bus has passed. We are still able to service their students as they still maintain a willingness to pay. Re-vinyling with their artwork will cost more so there could be an additional charge. They have now finished looking through the contract but have requested yet another copy, which is being sent today.
The UGM is taking a slightly different slant this time around. Being scheduled on Valentines Day we are running ‘A Date with the Union’ instead. This will be very different and far more participative than conventional meetings and will include summaries of Executive Work as well as a number of stakeholder input exercises.
The Promotions Team continues to develop and build on the success of last semester. With the clubnights running to budget we are now forming much closer links with Oxford Colleges and developing a College Rep system for generating extra custom at Peachy and Pleasuredome.
My Tell10 met for a meal and a chat about the elections and at least two out of the 5 that attended have said that they will be running for positions in this years election.
Most of GOAL time in the first half of the semester is going to be centred around elections as well as a number of perception and information campaigns.
Attract a greater number of students to run in Union Elections and provide access to comprehensive training and information regarding the available positions and the Union in general.
Unfortunately we are unable to provide an e-voting option this year. The University have agreed to share the required information with our service provider but have not yet processed the contractual details.
I have been using events such as the Bill Rammel lecture to identify and talk to interested students. Students that are already making the effort to attend events such as this in their own time may well be interested in further involvement and so it is worth trying to catch them.
If anyone is thinking about standing for elections or knows anybody who is then please ask them to get in touch with the relevant officer or rep to talk about what it is like to be in that position. It is part of a team objective to attract more students to run in elections and so all Officers will be more than happy to talk to potential candidates and discuss exactly what it’s like to be a student rep.
To ensure that the Union improves or at least maintains its Sound Impact Award Status.
We have sent the Sound Impact assessment book off but there are several criteria that are currently lacking evidence. The Sound Impact Award assessment has been tightened up this year and we will be fortunate to retain our Bronze Status. It is my intention over the next few weeks and after the election to develop much closer links with the Union outgoing and incoming Environment Officer. Hopefully between us we will be able to cover this area of the Unions work more effectively.
Communicate the achievements and successes of the Union internally and externally using all available media.
We have had several positive high profile stories featured in the local press recently involving a number of the executive officers, with more underway at the moment. I will be posting links to these stories for inclusion in Onstream. The Information sharing meetings with the University have been a very good way of getting across some of the Unions achievements to the University’s senior management. The Students’ Union hosted NUS Regional Conference during which we were able to present key successes, challenges and campaigns to other SU’s from region.
Develop the Commercial Services of the Union so they are recognised as value for money by students through establishing provision level agreements and providing a high standard of customer service.
Following on from the disappointing performance last semester, anecdotal evidence suggests that our bars are receiving more trade this semester. We are holding events for various student groups including Oxford and OBSU Jewish Society, who held a very successful event in The Venue over the weekend.
There has been a sustained campaign to publicise the fact that Harts now offers food and again anecdotally this appears to be having an effect.
We have borrowed a student perception questionnaire model from Keele University Students’ Union and have adapted it for our own students. The questionnaire will go out to a minimum of 100 students and aims to assess why (or not) students use our facilities and what they think of them. This piece of work could be vital in informing the future direction of the Union Commercial Services.