Saturday 23 February 2008

Exec Report 14th Jan 2008

Increase student participation in the Union, its elections, meetings and volunteering through high visibility Communication and Engagement Campaigns.

Safety Bus recruitment drive is planned for the beginning of the semester aimed at attracting more volunteers to the scheme. We have developed the elections marketing for this year and a plan to attract more people to stand and vote, which includes the Exec making full use of all their contacts they have made through the year as well as hands on promotion.

Attract a greater number of students to run in Union Elections and provide access to comprehensive training and information regarding the available positions and the Union in general.

I have been in contact with several students regarding the elections – encouraging them to run. I have been targeting critical groups and students that have expressed an interest in aspects of the Union through emails, conversation and Facebook – this work is ongoing.

To ensure that the Union improves or at least maintains its Sound Impact Award Status.

Work on the Sound Impact Workbook is ongoing and we have been getting support from Lucy Millard at the University who has supplied information regarding the University’s own environmental achievements.

Communicate the achievements and successes of the Union internally and externally using all available media.

Over the Xmas break it has not been as easy to achieve this. However we have several big events this semester, UGM, Elections as well as a number of campaigns so we will have plenty to shout about once the year gets going.

Develop the Commercial Services of the Union so they are recognised as value for money by students through establishing provision level agreements and providing a high standard of customer service.

There is a new temporary Ents Manager whilst recruitment continues for the permanent post. The temporary Ents Manager has more of a focus on the Union clubnights and also marketing and promotions. Meetings are currently underway planning this semesters entertainment. I will continue to monitor the customer service level in our bars and shops through casual observation. I will feedback significant findings to the Commercial Services Manager for action. Freshers Coordinating for next year will begin shortly as will the budgeting process which I will try to make reflect the emphasis on the need for better customer care.

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